Little Dragon Low-Cal IPA
Seasonal – IPA
Often, we’d love to be able to have one more beer but not more intoxication, more of a hangover, or more of a waistline. Little Dragon Lo-Cal IPA is designed to fulfill the strongest cravings of hop lovers while making it easier to drink responsibly and still be satisfied. Our use of oats, wheat, carapils, and crystal malt combined with a firm but balanced bitterness gives Little Dragon the unmistakable feel of a true IPA. In addition, this beer utilizes a combination of well-loved American hops like Columbus, Cascade, and Centennial and a new and much sought-after variety, Strata. And with a dry hop quantity equal to its big brother Dragonfly but with less malt to get in the way, you can expect a potent and enticing expression of hop flavor and aroma.
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