We loved our time in D.C. during the Craft Brewers Conference in April, so we thought we’d stick around. Our sour ales are launching next week and we’d love to see you at any (or all) of these parties if you’re in the area!
Monday, May 8
ChurchKey – 1337 14th St NW
Tapping event featuring 12 of our beers.
RSVP on Facebook
- Hopsynth (Dry-Hopped Sour Blond Ale)
- Iridescent (Wine BA Sour Blond Ale w/ Apricot & Ginger)
- Revive (Sour Blond Ale w/ Pineapple & Chamomile)
- Peach (Oak BA Blond Ale w/ Peaches)¬
- Cursed Kettles (Oak BA Sour Red Ale w/ Figs & Black Cherries; Collaboration w/ Prarie)
- Black Prairie (Oak BA Sour Red Ale w/ Figs, Black Cherries & Black Raspberries)
- Current (Oak BA Sour Brown Ale w/ Currants & Espresso Beans)
- Basis (Wine BA Sour Blond Ale)
- Champagne Velvet (Pilsner)
- Wheat Ale (Wheat Ale)
- Campside (Session IPA)
- Coastbuster (Imperial IPA)
Tuesday, May 9
All-Purpose – 1250 9th St NW
Pizza pairing with sour ales
Wednesday, May 10
Jack Rose Dining Saloon – 2007 18th St
Tap takeover featuring 20 lines of our wood-aged sours and other Upland favorites. Each beer will also be paired with a whiskey.
RSVP on Facebook
- Barrel Chested Barley Wine (2015)
- Barrel Chested Barley Wine 2016 with Cherry
- Barrel Chested Barley Wine 2016 with Cinnamon
- Basis – Foeder Beer
- Black Prairie (Cursed Kettles aged on Raspberries)
- Campside Session IPA
- Champagne Velvet
- Coastbuster
- Current (Darken aged on Black Currants and Espresso Beans)
- Cursed Kettles
- Hopsynth
- Indianaversary (Wheat Wine)
- Iridescent
- Luminary (Basis aged on Peaches, Pineapple and Persimmon, dry-hopped with Mosiac)
- Marion the Agrarian
- Oak Aged Baltic Porter with Raspberries
- Oak Aged Oyster Stout aged on chocolate and peppers
- Teddy Bear Kisses (2015)
- Teddy Bear Kisses (2016 Oak Aged)
- Wheat Ale
Thursday, May 11
RFD Washington – 810 7th St NW
Tapping event