It’s just about that time of the month for First Friday. This Friday, June 7, we will host artist William Denton Ray at the Upland Propaganda Studio (Murphy Arts Building, 1043 Virginia Avenue, Suite 202, Indianapolis.) as well as have Indy Cog as our non-profit.
William Denton Ray has developed a pretty unique there for the June First Friday: “99 Bottles of Funk On The Wall.” Taking beer bottles, he has painted each with a unique design so each one is individually different. He also is bringing along his “Build Your Own Billy Ray” that are cardboard mounted pieces that you can mix and match to create your own work of art, and his “Funk Totems” series which are 3D art blocks that you can collect and stack to make your own totem. Recently William was featured in an Indy Star article. More information on his work can be found at his site: WhimsicalFunk.com

Returning as our non-profit is is bike advocacy group IndyCog. Originally started as a blog in 2009 with the purpose of promoting cycling in Indianapolis and bringing together advocates of cycling together, Indy Cog has grown to be the foremost bicycling advocacy non-profit in Indianapolis. Members of Indy Cog will be on hand to talk about their organization.
As usual, we’ll be serving $3 pints with proceeds being donated to Indy Cog, and our house DJ Jackola will be spinning music for your enjoyment.